September 23, 2005
It didn’t surprise me to see another Starbucks pop up at the new Brickyard retail development at West 16th and...
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September 22, 2005
The Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver came out today and it looks like Mikey and I will have lots of content...
September 19, 2005
I’ve heard rumors that at low tide you can walk/run from Royal Vancouver Yacht Club to Kits Beach entirely on the...
September 17, 2005
Wow. I was opening the mail this morning when I came across a letter from ICBC. It was my refund check that...
September 16, 2005
The 8th Annual Vancouver Autumn Brewmasters’ Festival is coming up on September 30th at the Plaza of Nations....
September 15, 2005
K. Ken Khai Thai To Go has moved into the cursed location that Beavers Pizza (and Senor Pepperonis, Little Mary’s...
September 14, 2005
Well then you better get to Les Amis Du Fromage (that’s a great domain name) on West 2nd and Burrard this...
September 13, 2005
Oktoberfest at Sausi’s is early this year and it’s steaming ahead from now until the end of...
September 10, 2005
SuperGirls Wrestling comes back to the Russian Community Center on Saturday, September 24th and Mikey and I will...
September 9, 2005
Jamie Maw of Vancouver Magazine tackles Kitsilano’s Watermark in this month’s edition. While he...