September 8, 2005
Today, the Georgia Straight shed some light on the tragic accident at Safeway last week: The Vancouver music scene lost...
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September 6, 2005
Sad news in the Kits restaurant scene – the owners of Tangerine have decided to shut it down and start anew on...
September 5, 2005
It’s back to school in Kitsilano tomorrow. I wonder if any of our stickers will make it into the...
September 1, 2005
Everyone in my postal code got an interesting piece of what appeared to be junk mail in their mailbox today. It was an...
August 31, 2005
Does anybody know what happened at Safeway on West 4th today? When Mikey and I drove by at 7pm the store was closed and...
August 30, 2005
Tonight while walking with my sweetie on West 4th Ave, I had a sudden urge to get my snack on. We found ourselves in...
August 29, 2005
I needed to renew the driver’s licence today, so off I went to the Driver Services Centre at 24th and MacDonald....
August 28, 2005
This week in the Westender, Andrew Morrison (aka Waiterblog) delivered another strike against Watermark at Kits Beach...
August 27, 2005
New Vancouver weblog Beyond Robson launched quietly last week and promises to be a great source of info on...
August 24, 2005
For as long as anyone can remember, Spanish Banks has been spelled in plural form. Well, apparently we’ve all...